Moving is always a stressful situation. Going from one place to the next where you have no ties. And even more so if there are children involved.
I have spent most of my life moving from one place to another. I have lived in a total of 18 houses, the most recent move included. This means that I have spent less that 1 1/2 years in each house. Which is insane. And there are definitely more moves in the future.
I have moved around relentlessly ever since I was a child. Most of the time it was because of money issues, but sometimes it was also because of work related matters.
Due to all the moving, I was left feeling adrift, and found it extremely difficult to make more friends. Along with several other reasons, that was one of the biggest when it came to why I was always shy and withdrawn. I never put myself out there in order to make friends, simply because each time I tried, I would be insulted and turned down.
I tried very hard to make friends, and just when I started to get somewhere, we would have to move again. This meant that I would have to start all over at the next house and the next school. Because I was never lucky enough to be able to stay in the same school when we moved.
Unfortunately this is a problem most adults and children face when moving. You are in a new area, with new people, and you have no idea where to start when it comes to making friends and acquaintances. You feel lost at sea, and you have to make a large effort not appear as confused as you feel.
In the case of adults, you are suddenly in a work environment where you have no history with the workers, and where you have to build all the social relationships from scratch. And depending on your environment, this can be an extremely difficult thing to do. And if you have children, you cannot show that it has been a bad or difficult day in front of them, because they need to be kept calm and positive, so that they are not feeling too uprooted.
This usually leads to many negative feelings that is kept bottled up so as not to upset anyone else. And this is not a very good thing. You need to be able to sort through those feelings in a way, as you can only hide them for so long. Some people can manage it for years, but it always causes some form of lasting damage. And there are many cases where this can unintentionally be taken out on the child.
In the case of the children involved, being uprooted can leave them feeling lonely and lost. In a lot of cases they do not want to talk about it, as they do not want to make their parents worry about them more than they already are. This leads to them wanting to deal with their feelings on their own, which is not something that they can do with ease, depending on their age.
This, combined with difficulty in making friends, and the feeling of being uprooted can make for a very difficult adjustment period. In the cases of children, it is a wise idea to keep a close eye on the children, depending on age. They may start exhibiting unusual behavior at some point, and this is when close attention needs to be given. But keeping an eye on them from the start is the best idea.
Many of these feelings cant be controlled, and can develop into even more negative feelings that can usually lead to depression, and start an even worse cycle. If you feel as if you are stuck in this particular situation, please follow the below links to Destroy Depression and Online Therapy. They have a variety of resources and have the skills needed in order to help you with any problem you may have.