Many people go through life not realizing how important it is to have a healthy mental balance. This is why it is so important.
Due to the fact that many people underestimate just how important it really is, There are many people today who struggle with mental disorders. Please not, not everyone who struggles with a disorder, is because of underestimation of its importance. This is specifically in this subject. I am not biased against it, as I struggle with my own issues. This article is to show how important it is to not tell yourself it does not matter and just go on, as many people are wont to do.
Telling yourself that what you feel and what you think is not important, is extremely detrimental to your mental wellbeing. Getting to the point where you can say that what you want and what you feel matters, is a very difficult thing to do. Especially when you have spent a lifetime saying otherwise.
People that suppress their feelings and needs, that constantly undermine themselves, simply because to them it seems normal, these are people that tend to snap. And when they do, it has a tendency to be a violent outburst. These outbursts can either happen verbally or physically.
Me? I bottle up. I have spent years in exactly that position. I have other problems, but when it comes to emotions, I am one of the people who tell themselves it is not important. But not because I want to actually. But because the way I was raised led to that happening.
I don't get mad easily. Annoyed yes, but not mad. And whenever I feel something that is not good, I simply flip the switch in my head off, and tell myself that this does not matter. Whenever I want something, I tell myself to stop being silly because it's not important.
This led to bottling. Years and years worth of bottling. And to be perfectly honest, I still do it. Just not as much anymore.
The day I snapped was over something exceedingly simple. Stupid really. And then the reaction to it just cracked open that bottle and years worth of suppressed emotions came forth and just flooded out of me. This resulted in my actually, properly, shouting at my brother. And I never shout. Ever. But boy oh boy, that day I did.
That was one of the many things that led me to realize that not taking care of your mental health will always have bad results. That, if you do not try to maintain the balance, and acknowledge your own needs and desires, you will effectively end up destroying yourself.
That is what many people do not realize. That suppressing your needs and emotions that way can have actual physical effects. And now I don't just mean the big problems like depression or self harm or suicide. I mean natural problems.
When your mental health is extremely poor, you start to suffer physically. You are too tired to eat, so you lose weight. You push everything you want aside, so people lean on you more and more for what they need, and as a result send your stress levels soaring. Those who are bullies see your state, and mock and bully you even more for it, thus making your general well being deteriorate. These are just a few small examples, but they have massive effects.
Once you acknowledge that you as a person actually matters, then things will start improving. It is extremely difficult to do, and in most cases, you need help, but it is possible. But don't expect big differences in the beginning. It takes some time. But slowly you will notice that your days are just a bit better. The sun shines just a bit brighter, and the flowers smell just a bit sweeter.
Its a long process to truly get there. And use as much help as you can get. Heaven alone knows I still rely on the important people in my life to help me with things. But it gets better. I know it sounds cliché, and I know every bit of advice ever given says that, but it's true. For me it took a long time. But I got there. A lot of hard work, and a sorely abused ear of my best friend, and things are better. You just got to keep going.
For anyone who needs help in this, please follow the link below to Online Therapy. They have great resources, and will be able to help you.